M’aferro al record d’aquests dies i em nego a oblidar, quan arribar de nou a la rutina. No m’agrada gens aquesta frase «De les vacances, ni m’enrecordo». L’estiu ens ha d’omplir i aportar-nos només coses positives, perquè l’ època estival,plena de llum, omple d’alegria i de música i està feta per gaudir-la.
La fi de l’estiu és època de nous propòsits, com si d’un any nou es tractés. Un nou curs i el propòsit d’aconseguir noves metes. En qualsevol cas, és temps de renovar. De fet a la volta, tots estem i ens sentim una mica canviats. No només físicament també anímicament. Prendre’ns les coses amb més tranquil·litat i assossec i sobretot seguir gaudint dels nostres, en la mesura del possible.
L’estiu és sempre millor del que podria ser.» Charles Bowden
Me aferro al recuerdo de estos días y me niego a olvidar, al llegar de nuevo a la rutina. No me gusta nada esa frase «De las vacaciones, ni me acuerdo». El verano nos tiene que llenar y aportarnos sólo cosas positivas, porque lá época estival, llena de luz, llena de alegría y de música está hecha para disfrutarla.
El fin del verano es época de nuevos propósitos, como si de un año nuevo se tratara. Un nuevo curso y el propósito de alcazar nuevas metas. En cualquier caso, es tiempo de renovar. De hecho a la vuelta, todos estamos y nos sentimos un poco cambiados. No sólo físicamente también anímicamente. Tomarnos las cosas con más tranquilidad y sosiego y sobre todo seguir disfrutando de los nuestros, en la medida de lo posible.
El verano es siempre mejor de lo que podría ser.» Charles Bowden
Comparto amb vosaltres els meus records més propers sobre el creixement dels meus , capturats i compartits per instagram i tumblr dia a dia.
INSTAGRAMA #maternograifa @susanam__
If you receive cryptoassets, you need to ask why you have received them to understand if you owe any income tax on the value received. In general, if you have received cryptoassets as a form of reward then they will usually be taxable. On the other hand, if you receive cryptoassets as an unrequested gift without doing anything in return then they will generally not be in scope of income tax. However, when making a gift, the person making it should consider if there are any inheritance tax or capital gains tax consequences. Overall, you can use several strategies to minimize your tax bill – and understanding the difference between long-term and short-term capital gains is just one of them. By staying aware of the current value of your unrealized gains or losses, you may be better placed to calculate your position from a tax perspective. For example, if you have a large amount of unrealized losses as well as some realized gains, you would have the option to realize those losses to offset any already incurred gains. Similarly, knowing how much in unrealized gains you have can help guide when to action any realizations for optimal tax consequences.
The underlying technologies behind Bitcoin are public-key cryptography, peer-to-peer networking, and Proof-of-Work consensus mechanism for payment verification. One of Bitcoin’s most appealing features is its verification process, which minimizes the risk of fraud. Bitcoin is decentralized and kept secure by “miners” — continuously verifying transactions and getting block rewards in exchange for their work. Once a specific amount of transactions are verified, another block is added to the blockchain and the process continues as usual. Bitcoin halving events are predetermined and built into the Bitcoin protocol. The halvings happen every four years until the maximum supply of 21 million Bitcoins is reached, estimated at around 2140. After every halving, the number of new Bitcoins created and rewarded to miners for adding blocks to the blockchain is reduced by 50%. The first Bitcoin halving occurred on November 28th, 2012, at block number 210,000, when the block reward was reduced from 50 BTC to 25 BTC.